My Information

For current KCNSC suppliers this page contains performance and supplier status information including open orders, accounts receivable, performance metrics and other relevant status information. If you are a current supplier and you already have a user ID and password, please sign in to view your information. If you are a current supplier and would like to request a user ID and password so that you can view your account information, please contact your buyer. If you are not a current supplier, this section does not apply to you.


For current KCNSC production suppliers with an eSupplier account, the eSupplier module contains additional capabilities and  information including open purchase orders, accounts receivable information, and other supplier information. You may also submit purchase order acknowledgements and PO change requests using this module. If you are a current supplier, you must have a user ID and password and have been set up with the eSupplier module to view your information. If you are a current supplier and would like to request this access, please email your buyer. If you are not a current production supplier, this section does not apply to you.


The Supplier Data Submission Hub allows pre-approved suppliers to submit data to KCNSC.

If you are experiencing issues with this link and are an active approved vendor, please email